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Trophies Products (Page 2)

Item No:TT6305466
Description: This Tennis Color Tek Resin Figure, stands 4" high and is in full color. The marble look base is approximately 3-1/2" x 2-3/4". ....

Item No:TC47305518
Description: Acrylic Crescents are 1/4" thick. These crystal clear acrylic crescents are a dynamic series because the crescent shape allows the....

Item No:TV59305399
Description: The unique Legend plates are oval shaped approximately 6" tall and 6-1/2" wide. The sculptured plaques add a 3 dimensional look to....

Item No:TC22304866
Description: Large, Sail, Acrylic, Plastic, Table Display, Desk Display, Standard Base, Rectangular Base, Achievement, Desktop Display. 10" H ....

Item No:TS26305255
Description: These trophies are the Smaller version of the Signature Series Sport Figures. This elegant line is offered in two finishes, either....

Item No:TG12305377
Description: Signature Series Elite Sport Figures. This elegant line is offered in one finish, of pewter with gold high lights. These figurines....

Item No:T98304763
Description: Large, Texas, Acrylic, Plastic, Table Display, Desk Display, Standard Base, Large, Achievement, Rectangular Base. 9" H x 6 3/4" W....

Item No:TF45304708
Description: Frosted edge acrylic award with base. 4" W x 6" H x 3/8" Thick
Colors: Clear ....

Item No:TB12304956
Description: Acrylic, Plastic, Arrowhead, Table Display, Desk Display, Medium, Standard Base, Translucent, Achievement, Desktop Display, Rectan....

Item No:T838305142
Description: 8-1/2"X2-3/4"X1-1/2", Absolute, Golf Ball, Dimple, Rectangle, Tower, Standing, Round Hole, Glass, Transparent, Achievement, Recogn....

Item No:TW34305235
Description: These trophies are the Smaller version of the Signature Series Sport Figures. This elegant line is offered in two finishes, either....

Item No:TC55304632
Description: Custom acrylic award. 6 3/4" W x 5 7/8" H x 1" Thick
Colors: Clear