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Charts Products (Page 9)

Item No:CB561125
Description: Knowing the differences between servings and portions is crucial for sensible eating! This concise guide explains what both are an....

Item No:CF5661126
Description: Encourage members of your community to enjoy a "rainbow" of fruits and vegetables, which is essential for good health. Recipients ....

Item No:CC061127
Description: Twelve exercises to help recipients get a full range of exercises while seated! Includes flexibility, strength and cardiovascular ....

Item No:CE3361128
Description: Shows how to exercise virtually anytime and anywhere. Information on both sides includes: How to take healthy exercise breaks 10 d....

Item No:CE5061129
Description: Losing a pound a week isn't as daunting a task as many imagine! To achieve this goal, one must burn up 500 calories daily; one way....

Item No:CS4660932
Description: Matte finish white vinyl plastic chart. 1 color, same front and back for ad copy and exam techniques. Monthly punch-outs aid in re....

Item No:CP960950
Description: Our Child Safety Pocket Slider covers all aspects of keeping children safe. This slide chart provide tips for calling for help, ne....

Item No:CF3961130
Description: The guides 8 panels feature encouraging words and practical tips to help busy people and the motivation and the time to boost thei....

Item No:CU3661131
Description: Reading food labels is key to making the best choices for a healthy diet. This pocket-sized teaching tool can help recipients deci....

Item No:CC2261132
Description: Educate patients, customers and staff about colds and the flu with this handy pocket pal. Includes symptoms, ways to protect yours....

Item No:CB361133
Description: Large portions are partly to blame for the obesity epidemic in our nation.1his handy guide provides portion control tips for shopp....

Item No:CS161134
Description: Describes how stress can affect heart health, lists symptoms of stress, and provides stress reducing steps for a healthier attitud....